Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Episode I

Episode I:

On the first Episode we didnt have the pleasure of having the 6th Grade of young jedis, so the Obi Wan Andre just made a small presentation of the young jedis, to show to the Galaxy that the jedis came to stay this time, and with this small show of the Force, Obi Wan pretended to scare the Dark Side of the Students... This wont be enough, but its just the beggining. On the second Episode the young jedis will be helped by the 6th Grade jedis and together they will try to finish with this Dark times that are extremely influenced by the Republic.
We have a long way, but it will be a very interesting year.

May the force be with you.

1 comment:

  1. It's great work you are doing! Get well and keep it up :))
